Scott Birgan | My FACTION Story

At FACTION our dynamic resourcing model means that whilst we frequently welcome new team members, we also sometimes say farewell to them when a project is completed, or when they choose to move on to their next big challenge. Recently we said farewell to someone who has made a huge impact on our team and our company culture – Scott Birgan.

Our Director of People and Community, Lindsey Massey, said:
“Scott has been an incredible senior team member through his leadership of the West Moreton Youth Detention Centre Project, mentorship across team members, and his incredible collaborative attitude with everyone who works at FACTION. Whilst we are very sad to see Scott leave, we cannot thank him enough for everything he’s achieved at FACTION and all that he’s contributed to our team during his tenure.”

We look forward to Scott becoming another fantastic member of our FACTION Alumni and possible future collaborator.
Thank you Scott, and best of luck on your next challenge!

Please enjoy below some of Scott’s reflection on his time at FACTION👇

#wearefaction #recruitment #newchallenges