FACTION at ‘COVID’s impact on the workplace: Fad or Fixture?’

‘COVID’s impact on the workplace: Fad or Fixture?’ hosted by Property Council of Australia yesterday featured an exciting discussion from industry leaders about the changing role of the workplace post-2020.

Carolyn Solley gave an insightful keynote presentation looking at Hassell’s research into workplace trends and the changing use of work spaces post-COVID. We then enjoyed a lively discussion chaired by Bradley Norris (Charter Hall), featuring Carolyn Solley (Hassell), Emily Wills (LaSalle Investment Management), Adrian Rich (MinterEllison), and our very own Managing Direction at FACTION Consulting, Gary Finnegan. The key take-aways were that in the current climate, the industry is being led by bold decision-makers, that SME’s are more agile in their return-to-work strategies, and that the changing roles of workplaces means that owners and occupiers now have to optimise their spaces to be more ‘seductive’ for those that use them.

Thank you to Property Council of Australia for organising this great event, to our host Luke Simpson at Herbert Smith Freehills, and The Grove by Dexusat 480 Queen for the stunning views and hospitality. We thoroughly enjoy connecting with our industry and tackling these industry-wide challenges together!