1 Year Young

Wow, what a year!

They say that starting a new business is like an adrenalin roller coaster ride on steroids. With the ups and downs you have got to be resilient, and prepared to dust yourself off and get back in the game quickly. Well that was our first year!! As I reflect on the last year it has been an amazing journey, and one that I feel very proud of and humbled by. So many great people, clients, staff, peers, and family have supported me. What has been achieved this year, I could not have done without them. There are too many to name, but they know who they are, and my thanks and appreciation for them has no boundary. They are all part of the FACTION family and journey.

This time last year Bob, Kristen, and I worked tirelessly behind the scenes to get our business ready for our day 1 launch, and on the morning of 8 Feb we went live. We took a deep breath as our web page went up, our marketing campaign went live, and we started to make phone calls. It was so exciting and refreshing to be able to tell our story. We had no idea how things would work out, but we took the first step into the unknown and gave it a go. People asked me if it was a scary thing to do – Hell yeah! We had left the safety of steady income and the corporate world big mother ship. We were rolling the dice and backing ourselves in a start-up business with no clients or pipeline in hand. All we had was self-belief and determination to give it a go.

The last 12 months was our year of Firsts.

We launched our first web page, first FACTION brand, first tender, first win, first loss, first mistake, first employee, first celebration, first project completed, first invoice, first payment……..it has been an amazing experience!

We are no longer a start-up but rather a new business doing things in a different way. Our team has grown to 11 (I still can’t believe it), and as we look forward to the next 12 months and beyond we are very excited by the possibilities of what can be achieved by the FACTION team. For us it is not about being the biggest, it’s about the journey and experience. We want work with great people and clients, on exciting and challenging projects. All of our team are passionate about what we do and how we operate on a day-to day-basis. I genuinely believe if we hold true to our beliefs, then the rest will take care of itself and we will build on our successful first year.

Thanks for reading and being part of our journey!
